About Us


NSN Memorial School which was started on 7th June 2012 is managed by  the  NSN Education Committee (Regd). The school  is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. New Delhi it is a co-educational school which aims to provide a full, liberal and comprehensive education. The object is turn out young men and women with a keen sense of discipline, responsibility initiative, self-reliance, integrity and loyalty.

The school  has classes LKG – X. It will be upgraded in a phased manner in the forthcoming years. There are spacious classrooms. Math Lab, English Lab, Science Labs, Computer Lab, Smart Class, Library etc. it also has a vary playground for games.

Our aim is not only to sharpen intellect, but also broaden perspective, widen outlook and horizon, deepen vision and insight, strengthen human compassion, sympathy and understanding , bring grace and charm into the minds of our students making them noble in proportion, high and steadfast in aim, wide and tolerant in outlook, beneficent in intension with an innate regard and respect for the human personality and the dignity and worth of the human person. Our fervent prayers to God Almighty to take this institution to greater heights of glory in the years to come