
The performance of the students in KG is evaluated periodically. However, the social, emotional, intellectual and language development of the child is monitored and noted down in the progress card.

 I-V follow the ‘Cycle-Test’ pattern of evaluation. Dates and portions for the test are given well in advance to the parents at the beginning of the academic year. A total of five Cycle-Tests will be conducted and a minimum of 45% should be secured by the child in every subject in all the five cycles in order to be promoted to the next class.

VI-VIII follow the system of continuous evaluation and Semester Exams. Dates and portions for the test will be given well in advance to parents at the beginning of the academic year. A total of eight class tests will be conducted and a minimum of 40% should be secured by the child in every paper in order to be promoted to the next class.

IX & XI follow the system of continuous evaluation followed by a terminal exam every term. Two terminal exams and a final/common exam will be conducted and a minimum of 40% should be secured (for Std.IX) by the student in order to be promoted to Std.X. Students of Std.XI will take up the Revision Exam and Common Examination. A minimum of 80/200 should be secured in every subject in order to be promoted to Std.XII.

X & XII follow the system of continuous evaluation followed by a Terminal Exam, every term. Revision exams will be conducted in Jan / Feb respectively.

Students absenting from tests / examination with or without valid reason will be marked absent and will not be re-examined.

Examination Tips

1. General Exam Stress-Busting Tips:

  • Believe in yourself. You wouldn’t have been given a place in the course if you didn’t have the ability to do it. Therefore, if you prepare for the exams properly you should do fine, meaning that there is no need to worry excessively.
  • Don’t try to be perfect. It’s great to succeed and reach for the stars. But keep things in balance. If you think that “anything less than A+ means I’ve failed” then you are creating mountains of unnecessary stress for yourself. Aim to do your best but recognise that none of us can be perfect all the time.
  • Take steps to overcome problems. If you find you don’t understand some of your course material, getting stressed out won’t help. Instead, take action to address the problem directly by seeing your teacher or getting help from your class mates.
  • Don’t keep things bottled up. Confiding in someone you trust and who will be supportive is a great way of alleviating stress and worry.
  • Keep things in perspective. The exams might seem like the most crucial thing right now, but in the grander scheme of your whole life they are only a small part.

2. Tips for the revision period :

  • Leave plenty of time to revise so that you don’t get into a situation of having to do last minute cramming. This approach will help to boost your confidence and reduce any pre-exam stress as you know you have prepared well.
  • Develop a timetable so that you can track and monitor your progress. Make sure you allow time for fun and relaxation so that you avoid burning out.
  • As soon as you notice your mind is losing concentration, take a short break. You will then come back to your revision refreshed.
  • Experiment with several alternative revision techniques so that revision is more fun and your motivation to study is high.
  • Don’t drink too much coffee, tea and fizzy drinks; the caffeine will ‘hype’ you and make your thinking less clear. Eat healthily and regularly; your brain will benefit from the nutrients.
  • Regular moderate exercise will boost your energy, clear your mind and reduce any feelings of stress.
  • Try out some yoga, tai chi or relaxation techniques. They will help to keep you feeling calm and balanced, improve your concentration levels and help you to sleep better.

3. Tips for the exam itself:

  • Avoid panic. It’s natural to feel some exam nerves prior to starting the exam, but getting excessively nervous is counterproductive as you will not be able to think as clearl.
  • The quickest and most effective way of eliminating feelings of stress and panic is to close your eyes and take several long, slow deep breaths. Breathing in this way calms your whole nervous system. Simultaneously you could give yourself some mental pep-talk by mentally repeating “I am calm and relaxed” or “I know I will do fine”.
  • If your mind goes blank, don’t panic! Panicking will just make it harder to recall information. Instead, focus on slow, deep breathing for about one minute. If you still can’t remember the information then move on to another question and return to this question later.
  • After the exam don’t spend endless time criticising yourself for where you think you went wrong. Often our own self assessment is far too harsh. Congratulate yourself for the things you did right, learn from the bits where you know you could have done better, and then move on.

4. Exam Tips:

  1. Have a light breakfast: sandwiches, cereal or fruit (do not eat or drink unfamiliar things that morning).
  2. Don’t drink too much liquid (to avoid unnecessary visits to the washroom).
  3. Before you leave home ensure you have all necessary stationery— pencils, erasers, sharpener, etc.
  4. Get to your examination centre at least 30 minutes before your exam begins. This gives you enough time to relax yourself and settle into your seat.
  5. Pray, stay calm and remain focused.
  6. Even if you don’t have the urgent need to, try and go to the washroom before each exam.
  7. Listen to the invigilator carefully.
  8. Read the instructions on your exam paper and if you are unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to ask the invigilator (that’s why they are there).
  9. Don’t waste time. If you get stuck on a question because it seems difficult or confusing, move on to the next and return to the tough questions later.
  10. Don’t panic. If you feel yourself sweating or hyperventilating, put down your pencil, close your eyes, take deep breaths, pray and consciously relax. When calmer, go back to work.
  11. If you feel uncontrollably ill during the exam notify the invigilator.
  12. Use extra time to review your solutions.
  13. Most importantly, remain positive.

REMEMBER: Examinations are not the be-all-and-end-all of your life, they are just one aspect of your life as a student.

Tips For Getting The Best Out Of Your Studies
  1. Believe and trust in God, no matter by what name you call Him. Seek God’s guidance and help in all your day-to-day affairs. Remember that we are all children of the same God and hence it is our duty to help one another, especially those in distress.
  2. Time is precious and once lost cannot be recalled. Hence be careful not to waste a single moment of your time. Have fixed hours of study, play, relaxation, sleep and for taking food and stick to it, come what  may. Always be punctual and disciplined.
  3. Postponement is the thief of time. Never put off till tomorrow what is required to be done today. Do all your home work and complete your study of daily lessons before you start for school. Utilise your holidays and vacation for revision, extra reading, writing and such other gainful activities. Use your spare time in cultivating hobbies like gardening, stamp collecting, painting, music etc.
  4. Learn to concentrate while at study, whether in school or at home. Do not allow your mind to wander. Don’t try to study while watching T.V. or listening to radio. Whatever be the subject matter of study try to
    understand it fully and in case of doubt do not hesitate to ask your teachers or parents or classmates for clarification at the first opportunity.
  5. Until you have clearly understood what has already been taught, do not attempt to learn more advance portions. Be patient and try to learn step by step. If you are attentive in class, do your daily lessons and
    homework regularly and revise your lessons periodically, it will not be necessary to burn midnight oil when the Examinations are near.
  6. Idleness is the root of all evil. Avoid, like the plague, company of persons who are known to be bad, lazy and idle. On the other hand try to make friends with well-behaved and studious pupils who will help you, both by word and example.
  7. A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. If the body is not healthy, the mind will not function properly. You should therefore pay attention to maintain your body in good health by doing physical exercises and
    taking part in games, sports and other such activities.
  8. Always keep an open and enquiring mind and do not take everything you see or hear for granted. Learn to question intelligently and form your own independent conclusions. Never accept second hand opinions.
  9. It is said that Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. If you want to acquire knowledge and make good and proper use of it to succeed in life you must pay the price in the form of hard, sincere and devoted study and work.
Importance Of Study Habits

    Study is an important factor in the daily life of every student. It involves perseverance and diligence in the face of difficulties. Only a student who makes consistent effort can hope to achieve success.

  1. As a student you need to have your own TEN POINT PROGRAMME which you ought to implement in your life.
  2. You need to schedule your hours of study because you cannot work according to your moods. If you are moody you may neglect important subjects. Therefore you need to have a regular study timetable for the
    week and one for holidays, giving extra time for subjects you find difficult.
  3. You need to concentrate on what you are doing. If you let your thought “run all over the place” you will be wasting your precious time. Time once lost is lost forever.
  4. When studying, use your pen freely to note down important points.
  5. To be a diligent student you must pursue a definite target within a timespan, because diligence helps to achieve proficiency. You will develop your talents as well.
  6. There may be times when you do not understand what you are doing; perhaps, you have been inattentive in class or irregular in your attendance thus missing important lessons or examinations. You should try to be attentive and regular in attendance. Be assured that the teacher is there to help you. So when you do not understand a lesson in class approach her for help.
  7. Do not waste money on tuitions. Depend on your own ability to work hard and study. This will be creditable on your part.
  8. Avoid unnecessary holidays from school. Absence from class breaks the link in your studies and you fall behind the rest of your class. Therefore, be regular, punctual and conscientious.
  9. You, as a student, have a responsibility to yourself, your parents and society, Exercise it.
  10. Perseverance, diligence, determination and effort – only these will help you.
  11. Above all do not forget to ask God for His light and Guidance. He is the source and fountain of all knowledge and wisdom. Invoke God’s help each time you sit to study.