
We at NSN group of schools are proud of our ‘HaRI’ Values



We strive to create an environment of Serenity and Compassion for our stakeholders, and promote healthy competition that leads to personal and organizational growth. We strive to establish an inner connect through reflection in an effort to experience a happier self and a world a learning.


We are committed to Learning, Accomplishment and Contribution to society. We exhibit in our work Collaboration, dependability and partnership. We strive to create a legacy through risk taking with a focus on being unique and in the journey of Excellence.


NSN Schools act with Integrity and exhibit high standards of professional conduct for which we base our words and deeds on Trust, Fairness, Authenticity and Spirituality. Resilience and Courage are the drivers of all our interactions.
We strive to be ethical and fair in our dealings with all stakeholders.
[Staff, Students, Parents, Management, Suppliers]