The primary school in Chennai is dynamic and offers a wide range of experiences in a creative learning environment. The school aims to provide wholesome development through Interactive teaching methodology. The academic curriculum encourages students to think in the cognitive, emotional, social, and metacognitive domains and gives them the freedom to express themselves in their own way. The school extends its support to students with learning disabilities and has trained all the primary teachers to be a part of inclusive education.
There is a kaleidoscope of non-academic activities that support the curriculum to provide all-around development in the students. It develops competence in various skills- reading, writing, listening, speaking, communication, and the use of information and communication technology. The learning outcomes are specified throughout the curriculum and in the quality objectives. This helps students to achieve the outcomes as a result of the education
NSN Group of schools provides opportunities for experiential learning through hands-on projects, experiments, collaborative activities, and “No bag day.” The wide ranges of activities help instill in children confidence and discipline and also contributes to developing pragmatic skills. Besides academic activities, students also engage and participate in assembly presentations, cultural events, sporting activities, etc. which help in developing leadership qualities.
NSN lays great emphasis on the healthy well-being of a child as much as it gives importance to the child’s emotional well-being. Hence the school has devised a snack timetable for the students, thereby weaning them away from junk food. The school also sensitizes them to the needs of the community and trains them to look beyond “me, mine & myself.” They have contributed to innumerable social causes.
Some of the additional salient features of the primary school curriculum are as follows
The International School Award (ISA) instituted by the British Council is a program that fosters the exchange of ideas and knowledge between schools at an international level. The objective is to create global awareness in students. It aims to instill team building, innovation, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. It creates an opportunity to explore and acquire more information about other countries through various projects. The students are actively and creatively engaged through these projects. It also helps students develop awareness about the language and culture of other countries and also develop confidence in communicating with people from different backgrounds.
Language skill in primary school
We realize the importance of communication skills in the evolving world. Hence language skills are the main focus of the curriculum with an emphasis on phonic sounds and activities like stories, songs, drama, and rhymes. Children gain confidence to converse in English and acquire a strong vocabulary base. We focus on the 3L’s – Language, Life, and Leadership skills. Students are encouraged to read books and write book reviews as it helps strengthen language and sharpens their writing skills. Through various other activities, students are made to enjoy and enhance their creative skills and imagination and are empowered to become leaders.
For CBSE only:
Second Language: Std I –V – Tamil
Third Language: Std I –V – Hindi
Physical Literacy Program
The school has a physical literacy program that inculcates the habit of exercise and creates health consciousness. It is done in a structured manner with constant monitoring and periodic reports are sent to parents. Our schools in Chennai continue to provide a holistic environment through a digital solution to engage, educate and inspire our students. Physical education develops sports skills. Our curriculum offers students the opportunity to discover and develop their physical potential. Exposure to team and individual sports develops students’ competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities and encourages a sense of team spirit, and individual effort, and accomplishment.
Art, music, dance, and yoga activities are designed to provide opportunities for self-expression, promote creativity for well-rounded development.
Dance & Yoga
Dance and yoga have several physical and emotional benefits for children. The movement and stillness of the two activities complement each other. Yoga helps to maintain a balance between mind and body and to enable students to have good health, focus, and concentration of the mind. Dance brings rhythm to the body and improves flexibility, quick reflex action, and physical agility.
“A sound mind in a sound body” is what we believe in. Intellectual development alone is not enough. A child should have physical development too. Hence, physical activities are so designed to help the children excel in sports, games and foster the qualities of leadership and team spirit.
The school imparts Computer Education through an ICT curriculum where students learn to use various software like Tuxpaint, Ooo4kids, Scratch, Scribus, Greenfoot, Inkscape, etc.
Math Lab
The school has a Math Lab where the emphasis is on learning by doing. An integral part of the Math Lab is the manipulation of objects. Through manipulating concrete materials, the student is able to bridge the gap between real and abstract concepts.
Spell Bee & Mental Math
Spell Bee and Mental Math are conducted every month to develop the spelling of students and to improve their speed in Math. Certificates are given to those who score full marks.
Value-based primary school education in Chennai
Opportunities are provided to students to become smart and confident. Age-appropriate values and social skills are inculcated. NSN incessantly works on transforming the core of the individual through the spiritual practice of non-doing. The students sit in non-doing before the start of the day, for 11 minutes, to calm down and start afresh. This practice, over the years, will create self-awareness in them and enable them to choose what is right over what is easy and convenient. The culture & ethos of the school also has a transformative impact on the students and the teachers.
A student who completes primary would have all the skills and abilities required for primary schools in Chennai. The student will be ready to face the challenges of becoming an independent learner, who has to deepen knowledge, widen outlook and acquire 21st-century skills.
Primary School Timing in Chennai
Monday to Friday
CLASS I & II – 9.00 am to 2.45 pm
CLASS III & V – 8.50 am to 3.10 pm