Health and safety of students is top priority in NSN. We have an able team under the guidance of a health and safety coordinator.The team ensures a conducive physical environment for students. A nurse is on duty in the campus on all working days. The student counsellor ensures the mental and emotional safety of children. We have a 11 member POCSO committee and all staff have been oriented on the POCSO Act. Students who are part of the Health and safety team, stand by the gate during entry and dispersal to ensure smooth movement of traffic. Sufficient number of fire extinguishers are placed in the school and students go through a mock fire drill every term.The campus is guarded 24/7 and is under CCTV surveillance. Entry of visitors is monitored systematically and there is restricted entry into the school building. To ensure students are fit, stretches are done. Students also sit in non-doing everyday to relax their mind before the classes commence. These two are incorporated in their daily routine. Since the onset of the pandemic, the Covid protocol is strictly followed.