How do choose the best state board schools in Chennai?
Education in India is overseen by the Government. In India, students go through schooling and higher education. Choosing one of the best state board schools in Chennai, particularly an educational board, for a kid is one of the most important decisions. However, you can’t choose the best one unless you know everything it has and doesn’t have to give. While most of the inquiries are answered on the internet, there is very little neutral information available. Under the Ministry of Education, each state is free to develop its own curriculum, resulting in a variety of curricula across the nation.
Role of state board schools
The State Board Schools provides policy advice to the State Government. It monitors the execution of the Central Government’s Education Policies. It also maintains a consistent educational standard across the state’s schools. It establishes overarching concepts for curricula and syllabi. The state boards determine the curriculum. The State Boards hold examinations at the end of secondary and upper secondary schooling. Aside from the basic tasks state boards are also involved with encouraging education among the destitute, providing scholarships and stipends to students, and so on. In terms of education, state boards serve as authoritative bodies. The schools that are linked with the boards follow the norms and regulations of the state boards. Let’s take a look at one of the state board schools in Chennai and draw a list of characteristics that are specific to the state board education.
Deep Insight into one of the best state board schools in Chennai
The NSN Chromepet is one of the best state board schools in Chennai offering a curriculum that is comprehensive, interconnected, pleasant, and engaging, with a focus on play, exploration, and activity-based interactive learning in the classroom. Through a variety of individual and group activities, the program focuses on the child’s Intellectual, Socio-Emotional, Sensory perceptions, Physiological, Artistic, and Aesthetic development, reading and writing proficiency, and arithmetic competence. Learning is integrated, combining learning experiences across developmental areas in a relevant framework that reflects the children’s real-life situations. In a cheerful, safe, and secure setting, the curriculum allows for discovery and experience learning. The curriculum’s basic material consists of integrated themes and projects. These themes allow kids to draw meaningful connections between concepts and build a comprehensive grasp of their surroundings.
Skill development
One of the most crucial skills that children should have is communication. At NSN, it is cultivated through the Phonics curriculum and a variety of other activities. Students are given opportunities to become competent and self-assured. Principles and ethical skills appropriate for the child’s age are instilled. Language skills are the primary focus of the curriculum right from kindergarten, with a concentration on phonic sounds and activities such as tales, songs, theatre, and rhymes. Children gain confidence in conversing in English and build a solid vocabulary. The school concentrates on the three Ls: Language, Life, and Leadership. Students are encouraged to read books and write book reviews since it strengthens their linguistic skills and sharpens their writing abilities. Students are encouraged to enjoy and improve their creative talents and creativity via a variety of other tasks, and they are given the opportunity to become innovators.
Learning through non-academic activities
There is a spectrum of non-academic activities that supplement the curriculum and give kids holistic growth. It fosters proficiency in a wide range of abilities. The learning outcomes are defined throughout the curriculum as well as in the quality objectives. This assists students in achieving the outcomes of their education. Through hands-on projects, investigations, cooperative activities, and “No bag day”, the NSN Group of Schools promotes experiential learning. The variety of activities helps to establish confidence and discipline in kids while also contributing to the development of realistic skills. Aside from academic activities, students engage in and participate in assembly speeches, cultural events, sports events, and other activities that aid in the development of leadership skills. Music, yoga, dancing, karate, silambam, scouts and guides, and other activities are blended into the standard curriculum to provide additional facets to the curriculum. Every program designed for kids focuses on the skills required for the holistic development of students’ intellectual, physiological, psychological, interpersonal, and creative abilities.
Healthy well-being
If you are looking for schools in Chennai and want it to place as much focus on a child’s physical well-being as it does on the child’s emotional and academic well-being then you must check out NSN Chromepet. The school has created a snack plan for the kids, weaning them off from junk food. The school also teaches pupils to be mindful of the needs of society and to think beyond “me, mine, and myself.” They have contributed to a plethora of social projects. The emphasis is on the application of knowledge and 21st-century skills. The program’s goal is to prepare students to be responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.
Drawing conclusions
Each state is free to create its own curriculum. As a result, each state has a unique collection of topics. The State Board Schools covers various issues that explore the long gone heritage of the state and India. State Board Schools are also one of the most economical options available. The syllabus at NSN Chromepet is extensive and includes a wide range of disciplines. It is intended to provide students with sufficient information and comprehension while also providing them with proficiency in various other activities. With this wealth of knowledge, students make an educated decision when selecting a field of study for their future education. The state board schools in Chennai specialize in accommodating kids with varying learning paces and the students who pass the state board find it easier to score high on public tests such as the civil services exam.